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A Time of Healing

Tess Burrows
May 28, 2020

Sending deep heart-felt love to all at this extraordinary time... a time of great healing.... a time when we are acutely aware of our health. And also a time when we cannot ignore the fact that the health of humanity is intrinsically tied up with the health of our planet - from which we cannot separate.

Our Earth has been shouting about not being well for some time and we have not been listening. At last now as we are forced to lockdown and reset our values we are beginning to listen. Now as we remember the things in life that matter we will have time to listen.

Each one of us is part of the cleansing and detoxifying process that is happening world wide... Yes, it involves going through pain and suffering, but this process will lead to a bright new Earth. Let us hang in there and play our part for we are all in this together.

Before lockdown we had made a promise to help this process... to carry 300 Climate Change pledges largely from children up to the high point on the Grande Motte in Tignes in the French Alps to speak them out.They were carried up on skins with great effort by Trevor, Jim and Tess and spoken out and supported with an additional yeti team of Sev, Annie, Christiane, David, Peter, Jill and Alex. The pledges went out onto the mountain winds connecting deeply with our Earth.

As we concentrate now on our own healing, physically distancing ourselves from each other, let us remember how interdependent we all are. Let us listen in and connect deeply with ourselves, with each other and with our Earth. And know that every little bit of healing we manage in whatever way does positively affects the whole...

let us connect deeply...

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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