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Fly the Flags

Tess Burrows
Feb 28, 2023

HAPPY TIBETAN NEW YEAR to you - This is the year of the water hare.

Predicted to be the year of HOPE!

To celebrate, Marcia and I carried the Tibetan flag along with prayer flags, climbing with skins on our skis, placing them high at 3,456 metres on La Grande Motte in the French Alps.

They were a reminder that just as prayer flags fly their blessings on the wind, far and wide from the highest places; so also do we humans emit energy which radiates out far and wide from the highest places of our hearts.

So let us not forget how we as individuals affect peace in the world, by sending out peaceful thoughts, making a difference as we connect up with the greater consciousness.

Let us make this a year of HOPE to remember.

Radiating peace...

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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