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For our Future

Tess Burrows
Jul 25, 2024

I was invited to share my story with the sixth formers at Beaconsfield High, a prestigious grammar school for girls, at an enrichment session in keeping with their motto 'Dare to be Remarkable'.

"Touched so many hearts and minds... and made them think about the issues they are facing as the generation with the power to change our planet for the better... Truly inspirational!" teacher Gwen.

"Eye-opening and deeply impactful!" students Ayushi and Amy

"Left us motivated to take action!" student Annabelle

The girls wrote beautiful heart-felt pledges/messages of peace, which will be sent to COP29 and spoken out on their school trip from the summit of Kinabalu in Borneo. Here's a few examples:

I promise to keep trying to do my bit for the environment, no matter what others say. ..LOLA age 17

I will walk to school more...RUBY 17

I pledge to spread positivity every day...Veska 17

I pledge to be more generous and install a water well RAVIN 17

I promise to try and advocate for change and raise awareness in order to protect our earth and environment RAVITHI

I pledge to spread love and guidance DELISHA 16

I pledge to eat less red meat CARMN 16

I will buy more second-hand clothes IMOGEN 16

I pledge to try and help people where-ever I can LEA age 17

Thank you to the eco-prefects, Annabelle, Maddy, Ayushi and Amy for their kind feedback:-

"On the 26th April, we had the opportunity to welcome Tess Burrows, a remarkable woman dedicated to peace activism and spreading messages for global harmony and climate change, to our school. Tess shared her inspiring journey with us, from cycling 600 miles over three weeks to the COP26 meeting in Glasgow where world leaders convened to address the pressing issue of climate change, to hanging a ‘Save Antarctica from mining’ banner on the Old Man of Hoy. This clearly emphasised the importance of taking action to address these issues and create a sustainable future. Tess’s passion and dedication to her work was truly inspiring to hear and most definitely has left a lasting impact upon us all, leaving us motivated to take action, advocate for change, and act on the pledges we wrote! Seeing all Tess has achieved reminded us that the change we make is not determined by the number of us, but how each and every one of us has the power to contribute to a better future. We’re so grateful for the privilege of hearing her speak and for the invaluable lessons she taught us all.

"I greatly enjoyed hearing about Tess's climate-centred adventures. I was extremely moved when hearing about her decades-long advocacy for our planet and how she conquered even the highest peaks on our earth to campaign for its protection and peace. I found it touching that she has met and connected with so many people, all with the same goal of looking after the planet. Her endeavour to send out climate pledges from the tops of the tallest mountains was something I found very unique and so my pledge is vowing to speak peace and good words into the universe."

"The session was truly eye- opening and deeply impactful. It reinforced the urgency of our collective responsibility to safeguard our planet for future generations. As Eco Prefects, it was enlightening to see the global spread of peace and the global efforts to tackle the enormous problem of climate change. This session has inspired the Eco Prefects to take concrete actions towards environmental stewardship and advocate for sustainable practices in our school community. "

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Tess Burrows
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