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From Tree To Tree

Tess Burrows
Sep 21, 2021

This Peace Day 21st Sept, and everyday, let us remember we are rooted in Peace - it is our default nature. And humanity is rooted in a peaceful Earth.

Even though there is disharmony around, we can each do something to help return the Peace needed to our Earth and its climate.

So we are journeying by cycle to Glasgow's COP26 - the United Nations Climate Summit which will address the damage humanity has done to our Earth's climate, with  delegates having difficult negotiations to make.

And we are carrying hundreds of Climate Action Pledges from individuals to help uplift this process.

Our journey starts on Oct 8th at the 2,500 yr old Runnymede Yew tree, which 800 yrs ago bore witness to the signing of the Magna Carta giving rights to humans; To highlight that now is the time to include rights for the Earth.

We are a granny, an aunt and a 13 yr old school-girl, showing that it is possible to get around without using fossil fuels by cycling the 600 miles along trails carrying camping kit.

Our journey ends as COP26 begins on Oct 31st at the Tree of Hope in Glasgow - an oak planted to honour the equality brought about by the Suffragette movement in 1918. Though badly damaged in 2017 it struggles on...

Please support us by:-

1/ Making a Climate Action Pledge (see here)

2/ Sponsoring us via any of our three environmental charities (see here)

3/ Sending positive thoughts and prayers to our Earth and its climate. Tune in with us at midday on 31st Oct when we speak the Pledges out and fly them from the Tree of Hope.

Rooted in the Earth

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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