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Penguin Flipper Tips!

Tess Burrows
Mar 20, 2017

1/  Always try to fly

One day you’ll realise you actually can…

2/  Sing with the group

You never have to be alone

3/  Take your turn at keeping others warm

Life will balance out

4/  Look for the joy

Believe the egg will hatch

5/  Listen to your penguin heart

It knows everything

6/  Stay cool 

The sun shines on the other side of the blizzard

7/  Waddle along happily

You always have a choice about how you feel

8/  Do something that makes you feel ALIVE!

Are you a stuffed toy?

9/  See beyond the shore…

Know that all unfolds perfectly for your greatest growth

10/ Smile…

There’s flipping fun to be had!


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Tess Burrows
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