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The Third Pole

Tess Burrows
May 23, 2018

One charity project my books support is The Third Pole with The International Tibet Network.

The Himalayan Tibet Plateau holds the worlds largest store of fresh water outside the Arctic and the Antarctic. Yet it is warming twice as fast as anywhere else on the planet.

This environment is under threat! Exacerbated by the forced removal of 2 million nomads, longterm stewards of the plateau, to make way for hydra-damming and mineral extraction.

When we were in Tibet last autumn the great Brahmaputra River was brown with silt from erosion. I had remembered it as clear turquoise blue...

Downstream the country of Bangladesh was one-third under floodwater, part of the result of this ecological instability causing problems for one sixth of the world's population in its watershed.

The Earth is our home. Everything that happens here affects us all

“The Tibetan Plateau needs protecting not just for Tibetans, but for the environmental health and sustainability of the entire world” H.H. THE DALAI LAMA

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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