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Tibetan Peace Garden

Tess Burrows
Sep 8, 2017

The Kailas Peace Pilgrimage team (Ann, Jackie and Tess) and friends gathered at the beautiful Tibetan Peace Garden in the grounds of the Imperial War Museum in London for a blessing ceremony for their impending trip. see . The World Peace Flame was lit, a Tibetan singing bowl was played, sacred mantras were chanted and prayers were uttered. Then Peace Messages from nations around the globe were spoken out to send Peace and Light to all peoples... to all beings...

The Peace Garden was commissioned by the Tibet Foundation and consecrated by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 1999. At its heart is cast a bronze World Peace Kalachakra mandala said to confer Peace and Harmony to all. Carved into a pillar at the entrance are the words of H.H. the Dalai Lama:-

"...May this peace garden become a monument to the courage of the Tibetan people and their commitment to peace. May it remain as a symbol to remind us that human survival depends on living in harmony and always choosing the path of non-violence in resolving our differences."

Yay for World Peace!!!

Blessings to all

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