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Under the Same Sky

Tess Burrows
Jul 27, 2024

I slept out under the stars one summer night, by a shepherd's hut in North Devon, lulled by rustling wind in an oak tree, tooting of owls and the smell of the sea.

The more I searched the night sky, the more light became visible to me until I felt hugged by a blanket of stars.

A clear message came through: "All is well. Tell everyone. All is well. There is light from above. All is well."

I stirred from my sleeping bag and put more wood on the fire beside me, naturally, as though I'd done this across eons of time. And thought: Yes, all people are under the stars, where-ever they live on the Earth... We are all under the same sky... And will work together... All is well.

All is well...

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Tess Burrows
Dedicated to the greater good, the raising of consciousness and the healing of the Earth...

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